Category: essential workers

The Value of Planning Your Route Carefully

A useful anecdote that I often repeat to myself is “careful planning and goal setting are the keys to a happy and healthy life.” This is especially true when working and forming healthy lifestyles. In addition to making life easier, planning will also help you remain punctual and will give you some flexibility because you know the time that you need to be at a pickup or drop off along the route. 

Planning Ahead

It may not be incredibly far in advance of a trip that you find out your route but taking even 15 minutes to delineate when you should be where and when you should take a break can save you a lot of time in the future. Adding stops into your GPS (or on your map if you’re more old-fashioned) can help you make sure you take adequate break time and recharge more efficiently. With a schedule, you can get more done and save time while you’re at it!

How do you build a plan even in a time crunch? The best way to do this is look at a map of your route and the specific drop-off and pick up times between each part of your journey, if there is a difference in the time it takes between transit and your next point of cargo transfer, you can use this extra time to take a break either for activity, rest, or a bite to eat. 

If you are a local driver, you will likely have more stops to plan around, so familiarize yourself with the area and locate nearby parks, quick restaurants, or greenways so you can get in some quick activity and hopefully healthy food. If you are a long-haul driver, planning is even more crucial because you will likely be in unfamiliar territory. Look at your route and plan around avoiding high-theft locations, and finding safe spots to rest, eat, and take breaks. For each type of driver, it is a good idea to write down what time you should be where and follow this to the best of your ability. You can even use your phone to write down times or set reminders!

Staying Healthy

Creating a schedule will help you to stay healthy because it allows you to plan out restaurants in advance, so that you can avoid the high fat, sodium, and sugar meals that are so tempting on the road. Finding restaurants that offer healthier meals can be a life and health saver as you continue taking on new cargo. Planning well is a part of forming healthier habits for the road, and your body will surely thank you for this.

In addition to eating healthily, you can also plan for exercise and stretch breaks. Taking a walk in between long hours of driving can help you to stay fresh and fit. Remembering to stretch can also be beneficial because it will help you stay flexible and avoid stiffness and pain as the hours get long between pickups and drop offs. 

Final Thoughts

Planning ahead can be an actual lifesaver, and less drastically can greatly improve your health and timeliness in transporting cargo! Writing down details and a schedule for your route and setting reminders with your phone can be a great way to make your route happier, healthier, and more on-time! There are plenty of online resources to help with this, so do some research and create a custom way of planning that suits your needs.

What to do if your truck breaks down in traffic.

Breakdowns throw a wrench in the plans of truck drivers on their transportation journeys. Breakdowns cause delays in the strict schedules many drivers keep, and this time delay can mean late transportation of goods and less family time for the drivers as breakdowns increase the time that drivers must spend away from their family. 

The good news is that there are many ways to effectively manage breakdowns that will help save yourself time and effort. From effective stress management techniques to knowing who to call, it is possible to experience a breakdown without it being the end of the world. Meaning you can return to transporting goods quickly. 

Stay Calm 

The most important thing to remember when your truck is starting to break down is to breathe and stay calm. If you can pull off on a wide area, that would be the best, and if you can catch the breakdown early, finding an exit or stop along the way with a semi repair shop nearby would be the best decision. The main thing you want to avoid when you feel a breakdown coming is to be stranded in the middle of the highway. 

After you pull off, allow yourself to gather your bearings and call the correct people. This will likely vary by company, but the best decision if you are somewhere remote or unknown, is to contact your boss or someone in charge at the company you work for and they will be able to provide some guidance. Also, prop your hood up to signal you are broken down and then set out the triangles or flares behind your truck in 50-foot increments. 

Driver Help 

Some drivers may have experience working on trucks or have been trained to fix issues, but it is a good idea to leave the repairs to the experts. If you are an owner operator who is responsible for your own semi, make sure you have a resource that you can refer to when locating repair facilities and searching for safe stopping spots. 

If you are a driver for a company, your dispatcher or manager should be able to inform you on how to handle the breakdown. They can tell you information such as who to call for a tow truck and what facility your truck should be taken to. 

It is very important to remember that your safety is of utmost importance. With that in mind, please remember the safest place to remain until help arrives is in the cab of your truck with the

doors locked. Standing on the side of the road can make you a target for speeding, inattentive drivers. Stay alert and be aware of the dangers around you. 

Final Thoughts 

Breakdowns can be scary, especially if it is your first one, but there are people who can help you. The most important thing is to stay calm and call assistance if you cannot repair the truck on your own. As a final safety tip, pulling off to a wide, well-lit area will pay off in safety and allow help to find you easily. Being a driver will mean that you will likely see at least one breakdown in your life, but they are manageable as long as you remain calm, everything will be okay soon!

Ideas to stay mentally engaged while over the road.

You’re probably always looking sharp while on the road, but can you say the same about your mind? Truck driving is a very fulfilling career, but it is not for everyone. With long hours of sitting, driving, and staying on high alert to ensure the safety of civilians and cargo, there are plenty of stressors and long hours that need to be effectively managed to pursue a happy and healthy career. Keeping your mind sharp and your brain engaged while on the road can be a lifesaver and it will certainly keep you happier in your chosen career!

Long Days, Long Nights

Driving is a career filled with long hours at all times of the day. Depending on the type of driving you do, the miles you cover may be locally oriented or nationwide. Each type requires a lot of sitting down, buckling in, and preparing yourself for the long haul. The first few hours of driving may go by swimmingly, you’re paying attention to scenery, discovering new roads and locations that fill you with wonder and a desire to come back and visit someday when you’re on vacation, but soon enough the boredom will decide to set in.

The good news is that taking a few precautionary steps will help you fight the ensuing boredom. There is a stereotype that driving is not a mentally stimulating career, and if this is true for you, there are ways to change it for the better. Like any career, driving can be made more mentally stimulating with just a few adjustments!

Combating Boredom

Sometimes creating a mentally engaging environment for your work requires a few changes in your habits and perspectives, but it will be a rewarding shift that ensures you will stay fresh and mentally engaged for the duration of your trip. Trying out these tips and tricks will allow you a degree of entertainment for the long drives, and while some may not work for you, others may become lifelong strategies to stay sharp, or they may inspire you to create strategies of your own!

Some of the best tips to stay mentally engaged while driving include:

  • Listening to music, audiobooks, and podcasts.
  • Taking stretch breaks.
  • Writing music or stories in your mind.

Listening to the radio may be an obvious choice for drivers as it is free and readily available, but there are ways to expand your listening experience including podcasts and audiobooks. Podcasts and audiobooks are a great way to learn while driving. Many of them are downloadable so they do not require consistent radio or cell signal to keep playing, and there are millions of podcasts and audiobooks available for any subject that you find interesting. 

Taking stretch breaks is important for your physical and mental health. These breaks will allow you to stay flexible, fit, and get the blood flowing back into your brain as well. Stretching feels good, and it will make your brain feel sharper.

Writing songs and stories is a great idea for the road, especially for those that are more creatively inclined. Who knows, you may even write the next audio or literary hit! This will also help expand your creativity and language skills, which will be helpful when doing anything involving problem solving and speaking with others.

Keeping Your Mind Sharp

Staying sharp on the road is an important aspect of staying safe and making your drives more fulfilling. You may even find a new passion while trying these strategies. There are plenty of resources online for finding audiobooks, podcasts, and even song and story ideas, so check those out before your next long drive. We understand that sometimes keeping the boredom at bay is hard, but try to approach this issue by thinking outside the box and you will definitely find a way to keep yourself interested and engaged. 

How the Suez Canal crisis may affect trucking

The story of the quarter mile-long Ever Given cargo ship becoming beached in the Suez Canal has been all over the media recently. Blocking one of the world’s most important shipping routes for 6 days, the stalling of the Ever Given has created a crisis that has cost billions in trade and has slowed down shipping for weeks due to the backlog of ships. So, what does this have to do with the transportation of goods on trucks in the United States?

It may have a considerable impact. Even though domestic goods can be shipped as scheduled, international imports may be severely delayed, leading to disrupted routes and a lull in transportation, until the effects of the crisis are mitigated. There are many benefits to participating in a globalized economy of the 21st century including decreased costs of importing and exporting goods, but when a major crisis occurs such as in the Suez Canal, almost every industry whether international or domestic can expect to take a hit.

Suez Canal

The Suez Canal is the largest canal in the World without locks (locks are mechanically operated dams that change the water levels of an area allowing them to be raised and lowered to accommodate the change in topography between two bodies of water). The canal was first constructed in 1869 by French Investors taking advantage of the thin stretch of land between mainland Egypt and the Isthmus of Suez to provide a more expedient trade route from Asia to Europe.

Since then, it has provided a major international shipping lane which reduces the duration of transit by an average of 10 days from alternative routes. Other major blockages include the Suez Crisis in 1956 and a blockage by a Russian ship in 2004. Each blockage of the canal has reinforced the appreciation of the importance of this trade route in international commerce.

Sticky Situation

A few weeks ago the Ever Given, a Taiwanese cargo ship, was grounded as it was pushed into the shallows of the Suez Canal by strong winds. This colossal ship blocked the canal off and required a large team of engineers and tugboats to free the ship, 6 days after it had been stuck. This sticky situation caused over 400 ships to be backlogged at the canal, and countless others to be delayed as they were redirected to go around the Cape of Good Hope at the bottom of the African continent, which adds another 10 days on average to the journey.

The cost of goods being delayed because of this crisis is estimated to be around $9.6 billion, or around $6.7 million per minute of the blockage. This has a major economic impact on industries around the globe as this is a large amount of goods that are delayed. 

The Domestic Economic Issue with the Crisis

The Suez Canal incident may have serious domestic implications, especially when imported goods are expected to arrive at a specific time. It is likely that the supply chain will be slowed for a long time until returning to normal due to the huge impact of the blockage. In addition to the slow down, some goods may not be able to be transported as perishable shipments may have to be discarded because of their time-sensitive nature. Imported food shipments may be reduced during this time because of the perishable goods being thrown out.

Even with the devastating effect on the economy and effectiveness of the supply chain through the Suez Canal, the global market will recover soon. The people that maintain the canal now know how to resolve blockages more rapidly in the future. The trucking industry will likely take a small financial hit, especially in the imported goods sector, but huge losses and delays are unlikely.


Tips to extend the life of your DPF and keep filters running cleaner

If you’re like most people, breathing is probably one of your favorite activities. It’s definitely an important function for remaining alive, and breathing clean air makes the experience all the more positive. For this reason, alongside the societal health benefits of reducing pollution, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) mandated in 2007 that DPFs (Diesel Particulate Filters) be installed in vehicles that use diesel as a fuel source to keep excess soot out of the air we breathe.

DPFs are great for the environment and the health and safety of people that live near heavily driven roads, but they can be expensive when not properly maintained. Allowing your DPF to regenerate often, keeping track of the miles you have traveled, and paying attention to any warning lights can help ensure your DPF is functional and effective for as long as possible, which can save you time and money. 

A Little Particulate

DPFs filter the emissions from the engine and collect the fine particulates that come from burning diesel fuel and residual engine oil before releasing the filtered air into the environment. These filters catch soot and ash that tend to build up in the DPF until a process called regeneration takes place. The regeneration process is where the real magic happens when it comes to prolonging the life of your DPF. This occurs when the temperature of the exhaust is high enough to burn off the soot and ash. 

Keeping Your DPF Healthy

There are some actions you can take to keep your DPF cleaner for longer, preventing the need for regeneration or costly repairs that come from avoidable mistakes. The three main things to pay attention to when watching out for the health of your DPF are: engine cleanliness, engine heat at startup, and the type of fuel you use. Making sure to follow these tips will prolong the life of your DPF, which will save you time and money in the future.

Having clean cylinders (meaning free of residual oil) will ensure that fewer particles will enter your DPF.  This is because most of the soot and ash particles are caused by the combustion of engine oil that contains additives, which promote the health of your engine, but create particulates when burned. Watching the consumption of your engine oil and keeping track of it can help to show how clean your cylinders are and if there is an issue that needs to be addressed to reduce particulate buildup.

In extreme cold warming up the engine using a coolant heater is an effective way of promoting the efficiency of your vehicle while reducing the amount of soot and ash created. Allowing the engine time to become thoroughly warmed will keep your truck from idling too long and is easier on your engine than the cold-start method. The final measure you can take is monitoring what kind of fuel you use in your truck. Traditional petroleum diesel can have many particulate-causing compounds, but biodiesel burns more cleanly and efficiently. If possible, opt for biodiesel to extend the life of your DPF.

Final Thoughts

Promoting the health of your DPF by following these simple steps can help you save money from costly repairs and replacements. It will also help protect the environment from harmful emissions. Keeping your DPF from being overloaded with particulates is truly a win-win for everyone. 


Trucking Industry Role in Distributing the Covid Vaccinations


Tackling the pandemic has been on the minds of drivers since the beginning. From distributing daily essentials to ensuring vaccines will make it to their administration locations on time, truck drivers have provided a means for all of this to happen effectively. With the return to an almost pre-pandemic volume of trucks on the road, there is a new aspect of the industry to be explored and that is the logistical demands of vaccine transport and delivery.

Logistical Legends

While many transportation vehicles, of all varieties, will be used to ensure that vaccines are being transported throughout the country and worldwide, trucks are the most prevalent means of getting vaccines to where they are needed. Even after a vaccine shipment leaves a boat or plane, a truck will then transport it to its destination. Speed is crucial in the vaccination process, as of right now, due to the need throughout the nation and the requirement that the vaccines be kept cold to remain effective.

Many trucks have been fitted with new equipment to preserve the extremely cold temperatures necessary for the vaccine to be properly stored. Some companies have created specially designed containers to keep everything cool as well. According to CNBC, the only companies shipping vaccinations throughout the nation are the largest logistical organizations in the country, UPS and FedEx. They have decided to divide the states into groups that each respective company will ship the vaccines to in a “divide and conquer” strategy.

A Major Role

Huge shipments of vaccines are currently being transported all over the nation, and this will likely continue until most people have received vaccinations and there is no longer a need. This will likely take a while as vaccines can only be produced so fast. Even with one of the best logistical systems in the world working as quickly as possible, there are still limitations. However, it is truly incredible to think of the speed at which even the smallest of towns and largest of cities are receiving vaccinations to keep their populations safe.

Truck drivers play a crucial role in the supply chain as they are the bridge between producer and consumer. Without the bridge, the entire system would collapse. With the increase in vaccine production and need, truck drivers across the nation have stepped up to ensure that the bridge is strong and wide enough for adequate numbers of vaccinations to be provided. This is a difficult and stressful undertaking, and we would like to thank every driver that has taken part in distributing vaccines.

Unsung Heroes

Truck drivers across the nation, from those who have transported vaccines to those who ensure the store shelves are filled are the unsung heroes of the pandemic. They have transported these items everywhere that they have been needed, even when times were uncertain. Even though many drivers will likely not be a part of the vaccine distribution process, all drivers are important to the health and safety of all people in our nation and beyond.

Truck driving is a difficult, yet rewarding career, and there is definitely no greater reward than knowing that you are keeping thousands of people safe just by doing your job. Thank you to all drivers who have worked during this pandemic. Without you, things would have been much worse. With your hard work and dedication, we are on the path to rebuilding and becoming better than ever before!

Reducing Stress while Truck Driving

“That stresses me out!” This is a phrase that we hear often about a variety of subjects. Stress is something that all people deal with to some degree, as it is a biological response to a stimulus that is perceived as being dangerous or concerning. Stress is a feeling of physical tension and anxiety and cortisol, the primary hormone associated with stress, is known to raise blood pressure and increase heart rates in those with higher-than-normal levels.

The Wear of the Road

Truck driving can be a very rewarding career with the ability to travel across the nation and solid pay after a few years of experience. However, this can also be a very stressful career as it is fast-paced, full of responsibility, and hugely schedule-dependent. Managing the safety of your cargo while providing expedient transport is a big responsibility, and can be very anxiety-inducing when it seems like you cannot make it to your destination on time.

These worries, coupled with long hours, can lead to a lot of stress which can be unhealthy for extended periods of time. This keeps your body running in survival mode which can lead to many ill effects on your health like, an increased risk of heart attack and stroke (According to the American Psychological Association). The good news is that stress is manageable with some effort and this means that you can remain calm and secure even in the worst situations.

Stress Management Tips

Stress seems like an insurmountable wall when you experience it firsthand, but it is possible to overcome the anxiety of the moment. One of the best things to remember when facing a stressful situation is that it will not last forever, and you will be free from it soon. If you find yourself experiencing stress, try to breathe slowly and evenly to lower your heart rate and blood pressure to reduce the panic response your body is producing. It may help to go to a quiet room or pull off at a truck stop to walk around for a minute or two. After you have initially calmed down, it is important to address the stress.

The best way to keep stress under control is by being aware of the things that cause you stress and learning how to better approach them before they upset you. Writing down things that cause you stress, and attempting to remove your exposure to them can be one strategy of reducing the number of stressors you are exposed to. If you cannot avoid the things that are stressing you out, it may be a good idea to find ways to better cope with them- this may take time and some compromise. For example, if you find yourself worrying about time, it can be a good idea to write down a schedule and try to stick to it. Simply writing down tasks you need to complete or times you need to arrive at various destinations can help you reduce the load on your brain and keep your thoughts organized.

A Note of Encouragement

Stress can be difficult and unhealthy, but it is possible to reduce the amount of stressful thoughts. Getting organized and giving yourself mental breaks, while trying to maintain regular breathing, goes a long way in reducing the stress you may experience. There are plenty of resources, with a wide array of strategies, available to help keep your stress at bay. Some may work better than others, so it is important to explore and find the strategy that is best for you. 

Tax Season For Truck Drivers: What Can I Write Off?



Tax season is right around the corner! For truck drivers, this can be a daunting process. What items can you write off on your taxes and what items can you not write off? While a professional tax preparer is the best and safest way to do your taxes, you can do a lot of the tax preparation yourself. There are, however, a few guidelines that you need to be aware of if you’re going to do your taxes yourself.

A recent change that could affect you is that the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act has changed how some truck drivers can do their taxes if they receive a W-2. The Job-Related Travel Expenses (Form 2106) is no longer available due to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Truck drivers that receive a W-2 cannot deduct certain items from their taxes anymore such as mileage and travel expenses.

If you do not receive a W-2, and fall under the independent contractor category for tax purposes, you can still claim business expenses on your tax return. Truck drivers who are independent contractors can claim a variety of tax deductions that relate to the expenses that arise from being a truck driver. We have compiled a list of all the work and travel related expenses that you can write off on your taxes as an independent contractor truck driver.

Your deductible items that you could report to the IRS at tax time include:

Accounting Fees
Administrative Fees
Air Freshener
Alarm Clocks
Bank/ATM Fees
Brokerage/Factoring Fees
Broom/Dust Pan
Bunk Heater
Cab Curtains
Cab/Bus Fare & Car Rental
CB Radio
Cell Phone Bill
Check Cashing Fee
Cigarette Plug-in
Circuit Tester
Cleaning Supplies
ComCheck Fees
Computer Expense
Duct Tape
Electrical Tape
First Aid Supplies
Floor Mats
Form 2290 Tax PD
Fuel Expense
Fuel Paid
Fumigate Trailer
Hand Cleaner
Hard Hat
Insurance – Health
Insurance – Trailer
Insurance – Truck
Insurance – W/C
Internet Fees
?Jack Strap
Lap Desk
Laundry Bag
Laundry Expense
?Lease Equip
Legal Expense (not fines)
License Plates
?Log Book/Cover
Lumper Fees
Magnifying Glass
Map Light
Meals & Entertainment
Money Order Exp.
Motel/Hotel Expense
Office Supplies
Oil and/or Additives
Paper Towels
Payroll Expense
Physical (DOT)
Power Booster
Power Cord
Professional Fees
Radio (Sirius, XM)
Rain Gear
Receipt Book
Safety Boots
Safety Clothing
Safety Glasses
Scale Tickets
Seat Covers
Shift Grip
Sleeping bag
Sleeping Fan
Thermal Underwear
Tie Downs
Trailer Lease Payment
Trash Bags
Travel Expense
Travel Bags
Trip Charges
Truck Cables
Truck Lease Payment
Truck Magazine
Truck Repair & Maintenance
Truck Parts
Truck Tires
Truck/Trailer Storage
Truck Washes
Uniforms (if required)
Vacuum (portable)
Window Screen

With a list of deductible items like this, you can go back through your travel and work expenses to find items, such as these, to write off on your taxes. If you haven’t kept an accurate record of your work-related expenses, this list can also help you know which receipts to hold onto for next year’s taxes.

Truck Driver Mask Mandate?


Due to recent events, there are many questions swirling around asking if truck drivers need to wear masks while driving. The President has issued executive orders that require facial coverings to be worn on federal lands and during interstate travel. Does this apply to you? We break it down below.

On January 21 2021, President Biden issued this executive order and there’s been some confusion about it ever since. What is clear is that masks are now required for interstate travel on commercial aircrafts, trains, public maritime vessels, and any kind of hub or facility where people gather to use these modes of transportation.

Since this news broke, truck drivers everywhere have been questioning if this new mandate applied to them.

The short answer is that truck drivers are not mandated to wear a mask while operating their vehicle under this executive order from the President.

There is more to unpack however, so we’re offering a longer answer below.

Since the executive order, there has been an additional order that helps clarify what this new mask mandate means for truck drivers. The follow up order that came from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on January 29 added helpful information as it pertains to commercial motor vehicles (CMV) operators engaged in interstate travel.

Like everyone else, all CMV operators are required to wear a facial covering at transportation hubs. Put simply, where people are out of their vehicles and crossing paths with one another, you have to wear a mask. These places include private facilities, such as shipping and receiving stations, as well as public places such as truck stops.

Here’s what you really might be wondering about: the CDC order specifically exempts truck drivers from wearing a mask if they are the “sole occupant of the truck.”

What does that mean for team truck drivers? What if they are from the same household? Are they exempt?

These are issues that are left unclear from the CDC follow up to the executive mask mandate.

However, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) indicates that team truck drivers are indeed required to wear masks inside the vehicle while traveling. Whether or not the drivers are from the same household.

From the guidance there are, however, some exceptions to the mask requirements. These exceptions include the following:

  • Team truck drivers can take their masks off inside the vehicle for brief periods of time when eating, drinking, or taking medications.
  • They can also take off their mask if they are communicating with someone who is hearing impaired and the ability to see mouth movement is essential for communication.
  • A mask can be removed from another team truck driver is they are found unconscious, incapacitated, unable to be awakened, or cannot remove their own mask for a given reason.
  • If a law enforcement officer needs to verify a truck driver’s identity during a traffic stop, the mask can be removed for a short period of time.
  • Additional exceptions for removing one’s mask include if a truck driver is experiencing shortness of breath or is sick and vomiting.

Strategies to Reduce Stress on the Road


As an over-the-road truck driver there are many enjoyable aspects of the job. You have the chance to see sights that other people can only dream of, you interact with people from different places and stages of life and there is time to catch up on your favorite podcast or audiobooks, all from the seat of your cab. Even though driving can be very enjoyable we are all aware that it can also be stressful.  As you are driving for extended periods of time to make sure you get to your destination on time many things can cause stress to build. Tight schedules, weather conditions and road construction are just a few of the everyday stresses drivers deal with. It is important to practice stress reducing techniques while you are on the open road for your overall well-being. Follow some or all of the following tips in order to be less stressed while you are out on the road.

  • Take deep breaths. When you start to feel stress and tension building, take a few deep breaths. Diaphragmatic breathing with inhaling and exhaling is a very powerful way to relax in order to calm the mind and body. Start by taking a deep breath in through your nose, making sure your diaphragm inflates with lots of air, helping your lungs to stretch. Hold your breath for about seven or eight seconds then exhale on count nine or ten. Repeat this five to 10 times in a row.
  • Adjust your position. Just by adjusting the way you are sitting and keeping your body loose can help decrease stress. When you find yourself gripping the steering wheel too tightly, loosen your hands and fingers. If you are hunching over the wheel, lean back or adjust the seat to become more comfortable. When stopped at a stoplight, stretch your arms in the air or stretch your neck from side to side to relieve any muscle tension.
  • Listen to music. Music can go a long way, especially when you are stressed while driving. Music can elevate your mood, lower stress, and calm the body. So create a playlist of your favorite stress reducing music so you can turn it on when needed.
  • Leave extra space. Knowing that another vehicle is right beside you, in front of you, or behind you can cause unwanted stress. Leaving extra space between you and that other vehicle can help ease the fear of getting into a wreck prepare you for the unexpected. When driving on the highway, allow room for cars to merge, and if you are driving at night or during bad weather, give yourself more room if you have to stop quickly.
  • Allow extra time. If you are feeling stressed even before you head out onto the road, allow yourself some extra time to drive. If you are driving to someplace new, give yourself some extra time to find the place or in case you get lost. Also, try planning your route ahead of time to avoid traffic or construction delays.
  • Pull over. If you start feeling overwhelmed and stressed, pull off to the side when it is safe or at a rest stop, even if it’s just for a few minutes. Stress can most likely affect your driving abilities, so for your safety and for others, it is best to be cautious and take a break to calm down, allowing yourself to clear your head.
  • Get adequate sleep. Lack of sleep is never any good and can lead to higher stress levels. Getting enough sleep is very important for your health and allows your body to refresh and prepare for the next day. If you are drowsy or groggy, your reaction time could be compromised, you might begin driving recklessly, or you might even fall asleep. All of these could put you and others in danger.
  • Eat Healthy. Although it may be difficult to eat healthy while on the road, good nutrition has been proven to reduce stress. Not only will healthy eating help reduce your stress, but it will help you maintain a healthy weight and reduce your risk of chronic diseases.

There can be many things that cause stress while driving, including other drivers, weather, and construction. However, stress shouldn’t hold you back from getting to your destination on time and safely. Consider bringing a copy of this list with you the next time you are out on the road. When you are experiencing a stressful situation, pull it out and try one or more of these tips to help relieve any tension you may have.